This Blog Is For Educational Purposes Only, I am NOT responsible in any way for how this information is used, Use It At Your Own Risk..

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27 June 2011

How to protect your WiFi from hackers

After the few incidents of Indian Mujahideen hacking into Internet account of unsecured WiFi connection it is very important for everyone to make WiFi secured and this article will show you How to protect your WiFi from hacker.

Indian Mujahideen sent out in the aftermath of the Ahmedabad and Delhi blasts, who hacked into unsecure WiFi networks to send out the terror e-mail.

Well I have been using WiFi for past three years and before I could use I read couple of articles on the web to check the best security and how to enable the same.

Anyone can get into your WiFi connection if your WiFi is not secure, before we start about how to secure the WiFi, let’s check if your WiFi is secure or not.

Right click on small wireless network icon on your Task Bar, below image shows icon marked in red:

This will bring small menu as shown in below image, select “View Available Wireless Networks” from the menu.

The image below demonstrates two WiFi networks which Windows discovered. If you notice that SSwireless network is ‘Unsecured wireless network’ where as wireless network is ‘Security-enabled wireless network’ which is secured

Which means any one can connect to SS WiFi without any security Key, where as needs a valid security key to connect.

Now that you know SS is not secure which can be same case of your WiFi router.

Following are the steps which will help you secure your WiFi network:

Router / Access Point

This is the main configuration unit. If anyone gets access to this, changing any settings like passwords, encryption and MAC address is very easy. Most routers have default passwords and SSID´s. This SSID’s and password should be changed by the owner to make the entire system more secure.

1. Default Login

The first task should be to change the default user login to something else. Most of the routers normally come with default usernames and passwords like admin / admin or similar. The router can be configured using a web browser and the routers IP. These username and password are used while accessing the configuration screen.

2. Updates

NOT all router software are fool proof, you must always visit the manufactures website and look for updates for your router / access point. The updates includes security updates and other updates as well, recommended to check every once in a while.

3. Infrastructure / Ad-Hoc

With infrastructure mode enabled all device connected to the wireless LAN communicate through the access point / router while the Ad-Hoc mode allows for direct communication. Disable Ad-Hoc mode if available.


The SSID, Service Set IDentifier, identifies your router. Most companies use default ones which comes with the router like Linksys, wireless or WLAN or they use their company name, which are easy to guess. Choose a more secure password, best is a combination of letters and numbers.

The most important part is to disable the SSID Broadcasting, which transmits its ‘SSID’ name to everyone in range.

Wireless clients searching for a network connection can ‘discover’ it automatically. If you know the SSID then you can configure your computer in that way. It does not make sense to change the name but leave broadcasting on.

Note: It is still possible to sniff the SSID, as it still sends in clear text when a client associates with the router / access point.

5. Pings

Turn off Broadcast pings on the access point / router this makes it invisible to 802.11b analysis tools.

6. MAC Address Filtering

Every network device has a unique MAC address. The access point / router can be configured that it only accepts connections from the list of Mac address(es) specified.

Note: It’s possible to sniff your Mac addresses and fake those, don´t rely on this alone.

On windows open the command prompt and enter the command ipconfig /all

The Physical Address is your MAC address, make sure you selected the right device, a WLAN PCI card for example.

To fetch the MAC address for any other operation systems other then Windows go to this website.
7. Remote Management

Remote management is used to access/modify and configuration of Router / Access Point from any client machines using login id and password, it is recommended that this is disable, for any configuration one must connect physically to a machine via a network cable.

8. WPA, WPA2 or WEP

Nowadays most of the WiFi access point offers WAP, WPA2 and WEP types of accesses, if WiFi offers WPA2 encryption then use it.

WPA2 uses AES encryption. If the router/access point does not support WPA2 then one can choose WPA and as last resort use WEP. After selected type of security, make sure a password is assigned which is more or less immune against dictionary attacks and choose the highest available encryption option (232 ->104 -> 40)

9. WLAN Coverage

Most of us use WiFi either at home or in offices where the range is small so it does not make sense most of the time to provide WLAN coverage for a wider area than your own apartment/floor. It is recommended that lowering the transmit level and the use of directional antennas to reduce the area your WLAN covers will help in providing WiFi signals to specified area.

11. It is recommended that the encryption keys and the SSID are changed very frequently.

12. Most of the WiFi at home and offices are kept on for 24 hours, it is recommended that the WiFi is turned off when not in use..

How to Stop Computer Hackers In Their Tracks

You've heard the term hacker, you know they can cause damage and create havoc, but do you know what a hacker is? A hacker is a programmer able to get into a system or gain unauthorized access by skillful strategy. Hackers can be useful for maintaining a system and is constantly searching for security deficiencies. They can be the guardians of the security system. They also can turn that around and do more harm then good. A hacker is a skilled programmer who can write software expertly and swiftly. They can crack nearly any code and get into any computer system. Some of the more famous computer systems that have been hacked are corporations such as McDonalds, and to federal websites that have extremely sensitive information. Highly skilled hackers have hacked into Griffith Air Force Base, NASA, the US Department of Justice, and the US Air Force. Hackers have their own underground network where they exchange triumphs and share techniques to hack into new programs or skirt any protective software.

How can you protect yourself and your computer against hackers? Your computer may not be NASA quality or have sensitive and confidential information like the Department of Justice, but it can cause you some problems. A good hacker can get into your computer, steal passwords, pin numbers or codes to your financial sites.

How do you stop this attack on your system? One of the most important guards you can have in place is a fire wall. A fire wall will help keep hackers from getting into your system and sending out your personal information. Antivirus software will scan incoming files and e-mails but a fire wall stands guard outside the system to block any communications or information exchanges from sources that don't have your permission. If you use a high-speed Internet connection, you may have the same security concerns that any big organization or corporation has. It filters the information coming through the Internet connection. It can flag a packet of information that could potentially be harmful to your computer system.

Some systems come with a fire wall already installed; it just needs to be turned on once your get your computer set up. You can get separate software that will run in the background while you work, or you can get an external hardware fire wall that includes fire wall software. There are several fire wall software programs on the Internet that can be downloaded free. Be sure the sites you are using are trustworthy and have a good reputation.

How do fire walls work? A fire wall filters incoming data and lets only the ones considered safe to come through. Information is checked and is matched to specific defining characteristics. If these characteristics are not matched, the fire wall will not allow the information to go into your system.

Hackers also use Web browsers such as Netscape and Internet Explorer to get into your computer system. You can make your system more secure by increasing your online security. You can find the security feature by going to "Tools" or "Options" on your task bar.

A good fire wall can protect you from the creative ways that people use and misuse unprotected computers. It protects from remote login so a person can't view or access your files or run any of your computer programs. It keeps hackers from hijacking your e-mail. Once a hacker gains access to an e-mail address, it can then use that address to send unsolicited junk e-mail to thousands of users.

E-mail bombs can be used as a personal attack on your personal computer. Someone sends you the same e-mail thousands of times until your e-mail system can't accept any more messages. For someone who works from home this could be a catastrophe.

Spam is junk mail, usually harmless but it also often contains links to Web sites that may install a "cookie" on your system that creates a backdoor for a hacker to enter through.

Your newer system might also have free software that closes holes in the system that hackers can use. These patches can be found on the website for your system's manufacturer and can even be set to be installed automatically whenever a new patch is issued for a newly found problem..

Online Hacker Simulation, Test Your Hacking Skills..

Can you hack web sites? Do you want to test your hacking skills? Bring it on and check out this Hacker Test of 20 levels!

22 June 2011

All SQL Dorks Here..

inurl:"id=" & intext:"Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc()
inurl:"id=" & intext:"Warning: mysql_fetch_array()
inurl:"id=" & intext:"Warning: mysql_num_rows()
inurl:"id=" & intext:"Warning: session_start()
inurl:"id=" & intext:"Warning: getimagesize()
inurl:"id=" & intext:"Warning: is_writable()
inurl:"id=" & intext:"Warning: Unknown()
inurl:"id=" & intext:"Warning: mysql_result()
inurl:"id=" & intext:"Warning: pg_exec()
inurl:"id=" & intext:"Warning: mysql_query()
inurl:"id=" & intext:"Warning: array_merge()
inurl:"id=" & intext:"Warning: preg_match()
inurl:"id=" & intext:"Warning: filesize()
inurl:"id=" & intext:"Warning: require()
inurl:"id=" & intext:"Warning: mysql_free_result()
.................................................. ......................

Warning: mysql_result():
inurl:+union+select+ from
inurl:+union+select+ pass
inurl:+union+select+ SHOP
inurl:+union+select+ admin

Advanced Shellcoding Techniques..



This paper assumes a working knowledge of basic shellcoding techniques, and x86 assembly, I will not rehash these in this paper. I hope to teach you some of the lesser known shellcoding techniques that I have picked up, which will allow you to write smaller and better shellcodes. I do not claim to have invented any of these techniques, except for the one that uses the div instruction.

The multiplicity of mul

This technique was originally developed by Sorbo of The mul instruction may, on the surface, seem mundane, and it's purpose obvious. However, when faced with the difficult challenge of shrinking your shellcode, it proves to be quite useful. First some background information on the mul instruction itself.

mul performs an unsigned multiply of two integers. It takes only one operand, the other is implicitly specified by the %eax register. So, a common mul instruction might look something like this:

movl $0x0a,%eax
mul $0x0a

This would multiply the value stored in %eax by the operand of mul, which in this case would be 10*10. The result is then implicitly stored in EDX:EAX. The result is stored over a span of two registers because it has the potential to be considerably larger than the previous value, possibly exceeding the capacity of a single register(this is also how floating points are stored in some cases, as an interesting sidenote).

So, now comes the ever-important question. How can we use these attributes to our advantage when writing shellcode? Well, let's think for a second, the instruction takes only one operand, therefore, since it is a very common instruction, it will generate only two bytes in our final shellcode. It multiplies whatever is passed to it by the value stored in %eax, and stores the value in both %edx and %eax, completely overwriting the contents of both registers, regardless of whether it is necessary to do so, in order to store the result of the multiplication. Let's put on our mathematician hats for a second, and consider this, what is the only possible result of a multiplication by 0? The answer, as you may have guessed, is 0. I think it's about time for some example code, so here it is:

xorl %ecx,%ecx
mul %ecx

What is this shellcode doing? Well, it 0's out the %ecx register using the xor instruction, so we now know that %ecx is 0. Then it does a mul %ecx, which as we just learned, multiplies it's operand by the value in %eax, and then proceeds to store the result of this multiplication in EDX:EAX. So, regardless of %eax's previous contents, %eax must now be 0. However that's not all, %edx is 0'd now too, because, even though no overflow occurs, it still overwrites the %edx register with the sign bit(left-most bit) of %eax. Using this technique we can zero out three registers in only three bytes, whereas by any other method(that I know of) it would have taken at least six.

The div instruction

Div is very similar to mul, in that it takes only one operand and implicitly divides the operand by the value in %eax. Also like, mul it stores the result of the divide in %eax. Again, we will require the mathematical side of our brains to figure out how we can take advantage of this instruction. But first, let's think about what is normally stored in the %eax register. The %eax register holds the return value of functions and/or syscalls. Most syscalls that are used in shellcoding will return -1(on failure) or a positive value of some kind, only rarely will they return 0(though it does occur). So, if we know that after a syscall is performed, %eax will have a non-zero value, and that the instruction divl %eax will divide %eax by itself, and then store the result in %eax, we can say that executing the divl %eax instruction after a syscall will put the value 1 into %eax. is this applicable to shellcoding? Well, their is another important thing that %eax is used for, and that is to pass the specific syscall that you would like to call to int $0x80. It just so happens that the syscall that corresponds to the value 1 is exit(). Now for an example:

xorl %ebx,%ebx
mul %ebx
push %edx
pushl $0x3268732f
pushl $0x6e69622f
mov %esp, %ebx
push %edx
push %ebx
mov %esp,%ecx
movb $0xb, %al #execve() syscall, doesn't return at all unless it fails, in which case it returns -1
int $0x80

divl %eax # -1 / -1 = 1
int $0x80

Now, we have a 3 byte exit function, where as before it was 5 bytes. However, there is a catch, what if a syscall does return 0? Well in the odd situation in which that could happen, you could do many different things, like inc %eax, dec %eax, not %eax anything that will make %eax non-zero. Some people say that exit's are not important in shellcode, because your code gets executed regardless of whether or not it exits cleanly. They are right too, if you really need to save 3 bytes to fit your shellcode in somewhere, the exit() isn't worth keeping. However, when your code does finish, it will try to execute whatever was after your last instruction, which will most likely produce a SIG ILL(illegal instruction) which is a rather odd error, and will be logged by the system. So, an exit() simply adds an extra layer of stealth to your exploit, so that even if it fails or you can't wipe all the logs, at least this part of your presence will be clear.


Unlocking the power of leal

The leal instruction is an often neglected instruction in shellcode, even though it is quite useful. Consider this short piece of shellcode.

xorl %ecx,%ecx
leal 0x10(%ecx),%eax

This will load the value 17 into eax, and clear all of the extraneous bits of eax. This occurs because the leal instruction loads a variable of the type long into it's desitination operand. In it's normal usage, this would load the address of a variable into a register, thus creating a pointer of sorts. However, since ecx is 0'd and 0+17=17, we load the value 17 into eax instead of any kind of actual address. In a normal shellcode we would do something like this, to accomplish the same thing:

xorl %eax,%eax
movb $0x10,%eax

I can hear you saying, but that shellcode is a byte shorter than the leal one, and you're quite right. However, in a real shellcode you may already have to 0 out a register like ecx(or any other register), so the xorl instruction in the leal shellcode isn't counted. Here's an example:

xorl %eax,%eax
xorl %ebx,%ebx
movb $0x17,%al
int $0x80

xorl %ebx,%ebx
leal 0x17(%ebx),%al
int $0x80

Both of these shellcodes call setuid(0), but one does it in 7 bytes while the other does it in 8. Again, I hear you saying but that's only one byte it doesn't make that much of a difference, and you're right, here it doesn't make much of a difference(except for in shellcode-size pissing contests =p), but when applied to much larger shellcodes, which have many function calls and need to do things like this frequently, it can save quite a bit of space.


I hope you all learned something, and will go out and apply your knowledge to create smaller and better shellcodes. If you know who invented the leal technique, please tell me and I will credit him/her.

Japan makes virus creation illegal..


People who write or deliberately spread malware can expect to be fined or receive up to three years in prison, under laws enacted by the Japanese parliament today.

Up until now, you could only expect to feel your collar felt by the computer crime authorities in Japan if the malware you had created had caused some damage, now just the act of writing it would seem to be enough.

Under the new law, police will also be able to seize the email communications of suspects from ISPs, raising concerns amongst the country's privacy campaigners who have warned of the police getting excessive powers.

According to news reports individuals who create and supply computer viruses "without any reasonable excuse" can face up to three years in jail, or a fines of up to ¥500,000 (approximately US $6,000).

Acquisition and storage of viruses is punishable by a prison sentence of up to two years, or ¥300,000 in fines.

One hopes that common sense will prevail and that those with a legitimate reason to store and acquire malware (anti-virus vendors for instance!) don't find themselves facing such charges..

Virus-writing isn't completely unknown in Japan, of course.

For instance, last year we reported the arrest of a man who had spread malware via the Winny peer-to-peer file-sharing network, changing the icons of infected computers to those of an orange cartoon octopus.

At the time, police officers claimed that the man had infected approximately 50,000 computers with the malware.

Source: Naked Security

21 June 2011

Keep Folders Hidden

First create a new folder somewhere on your hard drive
when you name it hold down "Alt" and press "0160" this will create and invisible space so it will apper as if it has no name.
then right click in and select "Properties" select the tab "coustimize" and select "change icon" scroll along and you should a few blanc spaces click on any one and click ok when you hav saved the settings the folder will be invisible to hide all your personal files..

How to Block Websites Without Any software..

Some times it becomes necessary to block a website on our Computers for one or other reason.You can easily and effectivily block access to a website by adding it to your Windows HOSTS file. Once the website is blocked in the HOSTS file, it will not appear in any of the browsers.That is, the website becomes completely unavailable.

1. Go to your HOSTS file which is located at:

C:\WINDOWS for Windows 98 and ME

2. Open HOSTS with Notepad

The default Windows HOSTS looks like this:

# Copyright © 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.

# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.

# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names.Each

# Entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should

# Be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.

# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one

# Space.

# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual

# lines or following the machine name denoted by a “#” symbol.

# For example:

# # source server
# # x client host localhost

3. Directly under the line that says Localhost, you will want to type: name of the URL you want to block

For example to block the website,simply type:

Other parts of MySpace could be blocked in a similar way:
etc etc etc…

It is necessary to add a website with and without the “www”.You can add any number of websites to this list.

4. Close Notepad and answer “Yes” when prompted.

5. After blocking the website, test it in any of the browser. If every thing is done as said above,the website must not appear in any of the web browsers. You should see a Cannot find server or DNS Error saying:

The page cannot be displayed. I have also created a virus to block a websites which automatically blocks a list of websites as specified in the source program.

Some people suggest that your add a website to the Internet Explorer Privacy settings. This does not block a site. It only stops that site from using cookies

Porn Blocker – Block Porn Completely

Due to a rapid increase in the number of porn websites across the Internet, finding porn is as simple as Googling the word ’sex’. Exposure to pornography can have a serious impact on children since it has the ability to easily distort the tender minds. If you are a parent, then you are most likely reading this because you are in search of a Porn Blocker to block Internet Porn.

In fact, it is the responsibility of every parent to take every necessary step to prevent your child from being exposed to porn. In this post I will introduce you to an excellent porn blocker/porn filtering software using which you can block Internet porn and keep your computer Porn-Free. Here is the best Porn Blocker tool that I have ever used

My Porn Blocker – No1. Porn Filtering Software

My Porn Blocker main features

1. Block Porn Before it Appears – My Porn Blocker silently works in the background and stops harmful sites before they appear.

2. Integrates with all Search Engines – My Porn Blocker blocks links to porn sites from even appearing on search engines.

3. Works in Complete Stealth Mode – My Porn Blocker runs silently by hiding itself from the taskbar, process list, start menu and add/remove programs.

4. Blocks all Chat Softwares – Using My Porn Blocker it is possible to restrict your child from getting exposed to porn world via chatting.

5. Block/Limit Access to Social Networking sites - My Porn Blocker offers a feature by which you can block or limit access inappropriate services like MySpace and facebook.

6. Automatic Screenshot Capture - My Porn Blocker has the ability to take high quality screenshots which shows what your children do on the PC when you are away.

7. URL Logging- My Porn Blocker keeps neat and simple logs of every URL visited.

This is only a small list of it’s features

100+ Run Commands

* Accessibility Options : access.cpl
* Add Hardware: hdwwiz.cpl
* Add / Remove Programs: appwiz.cpl
* Administrative Tools : control admintools
* Automatic Updates: wuaucpl.cpl
* Wizard file transfer Bluethooth: fsquirt
* Calculator: calc
* Certificate Manager: certmgr.msc
* Character: charmap
* Checking disk : chkdsk
* Manager of the album (clipboard) : clipbrd
* Command Prompt : cmd
* Service components (DCOM) : dcomcnfg
* Computer Management : compmgmt.msc
* DDE active sharing : ddeshare
* Device Manager : devmgmt.msc
* DirectX Control Panel (if installed) : directx.cpl
* DirectX Diagnostic Utility : dxdiag
* Disk Cleanup : cleanmgr
* System Information=dxdiag
* Disk Defragmenter : dfrg.msc
* Disk Management : diskmgmt.msc
* Partition manager : diskpart
* Display Properties : control desktop
* Properties of the display (2) : desk.cpl
* Properties display (tab "appearance") : control color
* Dr. Watson: drwtsn32
* Manager vérirficateur drivers : check
* Event Viewer : Eventvwr.msc
* Verification of signatures of files: sigverif
* Findfast (if present) : findfast.cpl
* Folder Options : control folders
* Fonts (fonts) : control fonts
* Fonts folder windows : fonts
* Free Cell ...: freecell
* Game Controllers : Joy.cpl
* Group Policy (XP Pro) : gpedit.msc
* Hearts (card game) : mshearts
* IExpress (file generator. Cab) : IExpress
* Indexing Service (if not disabled) : ciadv.msc
* Internet Properties : inetcpl.cpl
* IPConfig (display configuration): ipconfig / all
* IPConfig (displays the contents of the DNS cache): ipconfig / displaydns
* IPConfig (erases the contents of the DNS cache): ipconfig / flushdns
* IPConfig (IP configuration cancels maps): ipconfig / release
* IPConfig (renew IP configuration maps) : ipconfig / renew
* Java Control Panel (if present) : jpicpl32.cpl
* Java Control Panel (if present) : javaws
* Keyboard Properties: control keyboard
* Local Security Settings : secpol.msc
* Local Users and Groups: lusrmgr.msc
* Logout: logoff
* Microsoft Chat : winchat
* Minesweeper (game): winmine
* Properties of the mouse: control mouse
* Properties of the mouse (2): main.cpl
* Network Connections : control NetConnect
* Network Connections (2): ncpa.cpl
* Network configuration wizard: netsetup.cpl
* Notepad : notepad
* NView Desktop Manager (if installed): nvtuicpl.cpl
* Manager links: packager
* Data Source Administrator ODBC: odbccp32.cpl
* Screen Keyboard: OSK
* AC3 Filter (if installed) : ac3filter.cpl
* Password manager (if present): Password.cpl
* Monitor performance : perfmon.msc
* Monitor performance (2): perfmon
* Dialing Properties (phone): telephon.cpl
* Power Options : powercfg.cpl
* Printers and Faxes : control printers
* Private Character Editor : eudcedit
* Quicktime (if installed) : QuickTime.cpl
* Regional and Language Options: intl.cpl
* Editor of the registry : regedit
* Remote desktop connection : mstsc
* Removable Storage: ntmsmgr.msc
* requests the operator to removable storage: ntmsoprq.msc
* RSoP (traduction. ..) (XP Pro): rsop.msc
* Scanners and Cameras : sticpl.cpl
* Scheduled Tasks : control schedtasks
* Security Center : wscui.cpl
* Console management services: services.msc
* shared folders : fsmgmt.msc
* Turn off windows : shutdown
* Sounds and Audio Devices : mmsys.cpl
* Spider (card game): spider
* Client Network Utility SQL server : cliconfg
* System Configuration Editor : sysedit
* System Configuration Utility : msconfig
* System File Checker (SFC =) (Scan Now) : sfc / scannow
* SFC (Scan next startup): sfc / scanonce
* SFC (Scan each démarraget) : sfc / scanboot
* SFC (back to default settings): sfc / revert
* SFC (purge cache files): sfc / purgecache
* SFC (define size CAHC x) : sfc / cachesize = x
* System Properties : sysdm.cpl
* Task Manager : taskmgr
* Telnet client : telnet
* User Accounts : nusrmgr.cpl
* Utility Manager (Magnifier, etc) : utilman
* Windows firewall (XP SP2) : firewall.cpl
* Microsoft Magnifier: magnify
* Windows Management Infrastructure: wmimgmt.msc
* Protection of the accounts database: syskey
* Windows update: wupdmgr
* Introducing Windows XP (if not erased) : tourstart
* Wordpad : write
* Date and Time Properties : timedate.cpl

19 June 2011

How to test the Working of your Anti Virus in your PC

1. Open a notepad (New Text Document.TXT) and copy the following code exactly onto it, and save the notepad..


2. Rename the file from New Text Document.TXT to

3. Now run the antivirus scan on this file.

If the antivirus is functioning properly on your computer, then it should generate a warning and immediately delete the file upon scanning. Otherwise you may have to re-install your antivirus..

16 June 2011

How To Hack Facebook Account Passwords For Free

Welcome to my tutorial on how to hack any facebook accounts, in next 24 hours, without keylogging/phishing etc.
I see many people asking for help on hacking facebook accounts, or beg others to do it for them. Most of them believe that they can do it instantly only with one click but that's impossible.
First of all, I want to say is this is not hacking, this is called "Reverting".
What is Reverting?
Reverting means undoing the effects of one or more edits, which normally results in the page being restored to a version that existed sometime previously.
NOTE: This tutorial is for educational purposes only, I am NOT responsible in any way for how this information is used, use it at your own risk, also you can learn how to get your account back from this.
Ok, let's start:
Step 1: First of all open this link:
This will be the form you will be filling out.
NOTE: Be sure you are not logged in.
Step 2: Your email address.
Simple, write your "own" email address, or the slave you are hacking.
Step 3: Can you send and receive emails from your login email address?
Choose "No".
Step 4: Has the login email address that you normally use to log in to your account been hacked?
Choose "Yes".
Step 5: Has the login email address on your account been changed?
Choose "Yes" again.
Step 6: Full name on the account.
If you already know the full name of the slave you're going to hack, you can write it, if not do the following:
If you still can't find it, then try using those links:
or google slave's adress.
If you STILL can't find it, use a little SE(Social Engineering) try adding the slave as friend, and you will be able to see his full name.
Since, I got full name of my slave, that's gonna look like this:
Step 7: Email address(es) that may be affiliated with the account.
Write "No". Step 8: Your contact email address.
Write your email address where facebook can contact you. Example Step 9: Your user name (if applicable).
If you have created user name, write it there. If you are not sure about your slave, ask him first, if he looks like confused and asking you what's that, then probably he doesn't have one. You can make username by logging your facebook first, going to "Settings" and click "change" on your username. Personally I don't have an username. Many people don't have a username, so write there "none", "don't have" or "no".
Step 10: URL (web address link) to your profile page.
You can find slave's profile page, by searching their email.or going to your facebook, write their email in the search button and press Enter. After some seconds, it will appear their name, click on it and copy the URL. There are more instruction in the pictures. They look bad but that was the best I could do.

Ok then, write slave's profile URL, and click the button "Submit".
Step 11: Once you're done and pressed the Submit button a message will appear:
"Thanks, your inquiry has been forwarded to the Facebook Team."
That means, you're done and you have to wait while facebook check up your request and send you email to the email you wrote where they can contact you.
That's it, I will repeat once again.
"This tutorial is for educational purposes only, I am NOT responsible in any way for how this information is used, use it at your own risk, also you can learn how to get your account back from this."

15 June 2011

Create Invisible Folder Without Name In Windows Vista And Windows 7

In this tutorial we will protect our data first placing it in an invisible folder and then hiding it so that no one can even accidentaly open that folder.So this will provide you with two level security.

How To Create A Folder Without Name In Windows 7 And Vista?
Click on Start Button in taskbar
Search For Character Map
Open character Map and click on the blank Coloumn
Now Click on Select Button and then on Copy Button(Now you have copied a blank Space)
Create a New folder and Rename it and press Ctrl+V keys from keyboard.
By this time we have created a folder without any name.Now we have to create a folder without any Logo.

How To Create An Invisible Folder In Windows 7 And Vista?
Right click on the folder that you have created without name in the previous step.
Click on Properties>>Customise>>Change Icon
Now will get a popup windows with various icon.Select the blank Icon
Press Ok
By this time you have created an Invisible folder with no logo and no name.
Move all of your private data in this invisible folder.
How To Hide the Invisible Folder In Windows 7 And Vista?
Right Click on the Invisible Folder
Select Properties and now select the Hidden Checkbox.
By this time you have your data in an invisible folder with no logo,name and which is hidden.So only you can access this folder as only you have knowledge where this invisible folder is stored.

Top 5 Security Tips To Protect Your Computer From USB Viruses

Top 5 Security Tips To Protect Your Computer From USB Viruses

With increasing anti-virus security in place against email-aware viruses and malware, hackers are turning their attention to less well-defended routes such as USB drives. This is the latest method that’s used by hackers to torment innocent users. However, there are ways you can protect your computer from USB and Pen drive viruses.

1.Block USB Viruses
Invest in an excellent anti-virus program that has built in USB virus scan and remover. These anti-USB virus scan programs not only protect your computer from USB Autorun viruses but can also clean worms, Trojans and viruses in your USB memory sticks.You can try anti-virus programs for USB virus such as USB Virus Scan, USB Drive Antivirus and so on.

2.Disable Your Computer’s Autorun Feature

When you plug in a USB drive stick into your system, the Autorun feature initiates automatically. If your USB contains any virus programs, it’ll use the Autorun feature to infect your computer. To protect your computer, disable the Autorun feature.You can disable the Autorun feature via the Control Panel.
Alternatively, you can use antivirus software to disable and enable the Autorun feature whenever you want. Additionally, these USB blocking softwares allow system administrators to specify which removable storage drives users can access.

3.Update Your Device Driver

Keeping your USB device driver updated is a good way to ensure greater stability for your USB drives. While this won’t help eradicate USB viruses, USB device drivers are constantly updated to block viruses and deliver timely warnings. You can update your USB device drive from your Windows Computer Management feature in the Control Panel.

4.Use USB Firewall Software

USB firewalls prevent Windows OS from processing malicious programs when a virus infected portable USB device is opened. USB firewalls monitor only your USB devices, and not your CD and DVD drives. By using USB firewalls, you’ll be enabling a basic level of protection from the autorun.inf viruses that spread from portable USB devices.

5.Always Safely Remove USB Devices

Viruses are sometimes created via damaged documents. If you are transferring a set of files to your USB drive, make sure the transfer is complete before you eject the device. Always use the Safely Remove Hardware feature of Windows OS. This is because partially transferred or damaged files can in turn corrupt other files on your USB drive..

PC shortcuts you can not live without..

1. Ctrl + C – Copy
Who can live without this shortcut? We are copying stuffs all the time. And this keyboard shortcut is so much easier and faster than Right Click >> Copy.

2. Ctrl + V – Paste
If you copy, you need to paste. So instead of Right Click >> Paste, just hit Ctrl + V.

3. Ctrl + Z – Undo
Oops! You’ve just deleted a piece of text! How to make text magically reappear on screen? The magic words are: Ctrl + Z.

4. Alt, F, W, F – Create new folder in windows explorer
I still wonder why there is still no shortcut to create a new folder. So, this is actually not a keyboard shortcut, but a trick shortcut. Alt – goes to the menu
F – Selects “File” beside “Edit”
W – Selects “New”
F – Selects “Folder”.

5. Windows Logo + E – Open computer
You know that windows logo button between Ctrl and Alt on the bottom left of the keyboard? If you press Windows Logo + E, it will open the computer. No, not automatically disassemble the computer and unscrew it, but open the window where you will see the disk drives and the CD Rom.

6. Windows Logo + D – Show desktop; minimize all windows
You know when you have so many windows open, and you need to go to the desktop to open a program? You don’t need to minimize every single window one by one again. Just press Windows Logo + D and you will arrive on the desktop.

7. Tab – Go to next text area
When filling forms on the web, especially username and password forms, this goes extremely handy. When logging in, after typing the username, just hit “Tab” and tada! – you are at the password form without touching the mouse!

8. Typing name of file you’re looking for – Locating file
Lets say you are in a folder called ‘Pictures’ and you want to locate a file photo called “mejumping.jpg”, just type “mejum…”. Usually you don’t need to type the file’s entire name – just some of its first letters will do.

9. Ctrl + Click – Individually selecting multiple files
Lets say you are on a folder with lots of photos. You only want to select your good photos. How? Click a good photo. Then, Ctrl + click another good photo. Next, Ctrl + click another good photo! See? It doesn’t unselect the previous files but adds the next files you have clicked to the selection!

10. Shift + Click – Select files from one end to another
You are on a photo page.. again. And now, you want to select photos from “PICT1209” to “PICT1281”. How? Click “PICT1209”. Then Shift + Click “PICT1281”. Tada! You have selected all the photos between “PICT1209” and “PICT1281”!

11. Alt + Double click – View file properties
If you want to view the properties of a file, don’t need to Right Click >> Properties. Just hit Alt + Double Click and the properties will appear right before your eyes!

12. Windows Logo + 1, 2, or 3…–Launch quick launch items
If you have items in your Quick Launch (the part on the right of the Start button), here is a very nice way to quickly launch the quick launch. If you want to launch quick launch item #1, hit Win + 1. Item #2? Win + 2. And so on and on and on… until item number 9.